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Golden Dawn at Rivendell and New Flying Roll

On Sunday November 13th The Ma'at Temple of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn with its Inner Order Vault erected in Rivendell's sacred circle, (see photo) conferred the 5=6 Adeptus Minor grade on three worthy candidates and presented them with a new Flying Roll for that degree: Hermetic Yoga for the Golden Dawn authored by Frater Thabion using his G.D. motto Quero ad Lucem as Imperator of Ma'at Temple serving under G,H, Frater Ex Oriente LVX as Praemonstrator who wrote the preface to the Flying Roll.

It has  received excellent reviews from G,D. Adepti, Adam Forrest and Chic and Tabatha Cicero and is available on Amazon.com.

This new document derives from material in The Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript and the initiation itself. The following description is from the back cover:

Hermetic Yoga for the Golden Dawn is a remarkable book. Based on secret documents and diagrams from the Golden Dawn’s founding Cypher Manuscript, it is the first modern “Flying Roll” ( a Biblical term for a document from Heaven, Zechariah 5: 1-4, Ezekiel 2: 9) that the Golden Dawn adopted for its advanced teachings. In this case the author suggests that diagrams and text in the Cypher Manuscript derived from the seventeenth century kabbalist Isaac Luria suggesting that a seven chakra yoga system be developed on the Lurianic Eleven Sphere version of the Tree of Life referred to as “The Tree before the Fall.”

This system is initiated by the Flaming Sword or Lightning Flash which descends from the mouth of God (El) in Kether as described in Revelation 1 – 16 and activates the Chakras corresponding to the seven planets and the Spheres on the Tree of Life (macrocosm) within the human body (microcosm). Unlike Eastern systems it derives its power by bringing down The Light. In this way it is similar and probably related to the Stella Matutinas’s Middle Pillar exercise  which inspired the author to create his original version of the restored Western system for The Crata Repoa Reformatus of The Church of the Hermetic Sciences of which he is the founding President and Magister.

He is also the author of Secrets of Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript (1997-2014) and the Imperator of the Ma’at Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in Los Angeles.Runyon’s original version of Hermetic Yoga is fully described in two volumes: Hermetic Yoga, Beyond the Middle Pillar, Volume One, The Interior Stars of the Western Esoteric Tradition (2015) and Beyond the Middle Pillar, Volume Two, Rosicrucian Yoga (2020). This system is not interchangeable with the Golden Dawn Version outlined in the Flying Roll. Volume One was developed to support Solomonic magical practice and features a Canaanite pantheon of deities from King Solomon’s time period, whereas the Golden Dawn version in the Flying Roll incorporates ancient Egyptian god forms on the Heliopolis Ennead arrangement favored in the ancient Pyramid Texts.

The Flying Roll includes a modified copy of the author’s Master Ritual from Hermetic Yoga, Volume One to assist in yoga practice. Also included are a modified version of The Polygrams and Polygons from a 1977 issue of The Seventh Ray. These Icons were derived from Essay on the Lineal Figures by Frater A.M.A.G. (1935), another Golden Dawn document in the author’s collection.

He has also included mantras for bringing the Light into The Head developed from Golden Dawn’s finger attributions. The Head (on the cover) was designed by the author and constructed by Maximilian Paul (V.H. Frater SithMeth VII° Crata Repoa Reformatus). The Preface is by Frater Ex Oriente LVX, Wor. Merrick Rees Hamer, Premonstrator of The Ma’at Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.