Poke Runyon

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Hermetic Yoga at Mt. Shasta, July 22-24, 2022

On July 22nd through the 24th (2022), The Ordo Hermeticus Mysteriorum held its long postponed (due to the pandemic) conclave at Mt, Shasta Resort, Mt, Shasta, California. Attending were nearly thirty officers of the Order (R.R. et A.C.) Led by worshipful Paul Clark and Gracious Lady Cindy Forbes. Guest Speakers were Right Worshipful Kevin Townley (author of 'The Cube of Space") Chic and Tabatha Cicero (noted Golden Dawn authorities) worshipful Merrick Rees Hamer (G.D. Temple Chief, C.H.S. Vice President and Phylos in BEYOND LEMURIA, which was shown on the 24th) and Carroll "Poke" Runyon (Frater Thabion, OTA Magister and President of C.H.S., writer and producer of BEYOND LEMURIA). Poke's Lecture "Hermetic Yoga" was assisted by "The Head", created by V.H. Frater SithMeth, which is shown above with the event coffee cup and the rose given to us by Wor. Paul Clark.