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Nuptiae Spring Equinox March 18th, 2023 at Rivendell

On a fortunate break in our Monsoon weather pattern we held our Nuptiae ceremony of March 18th at Rivendell. Soror Morgana enhanced her decorations from the previous week's handfasting so the henge and Pavilion were bedecked with flowers. The ceremony and communion of the elements were conducted by VH Soror Urania as Field and VH Frater Hephaestus as Vine. VH Frater Memnonides was Odos, VH Frater Solomon was Deacon, Soror Morgana was Astarte and VH Frater SithMeth was Ba'al. VH Frater Thabion ran sound effects with the help of Constance Demby on the stereo. We were pleased to have Frey and Martinique from Frey's Hermetic Supplies and several of their friends as guests and our long lost Frater Tearon (Oberon Selicio) and his wife Michele. A good time was had by all.
